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Link utili
Obbligazioni Finanziarie
Nome | Data scadenza | Ultimo prezzo | Data/Ora | Codice isin | Cedola | Quantità acquisto | Prezzo acquisto | Quantità vendita | Prezzo vendita | Prezzo riferimento precedente | Prezzo Ufficiale precedente | Prezzo Riferimento | Rendimento effettivo | Data emissione | Fase mercato |
Bper banca mc lg32 sub tier2 call eur | 25/07/2032 | 100.1 | 15/01 | XS2433828071 | 0 | 200000 | 100.01 | 100.2 | 400000 | 100.27 | - | 100.27 | 3.861232 | 28/01/2022 | - |
Bper fix to cms call sub 30nv30 | 30/11/2030 | 99.99 | 15/01 | XS2264034260 | 0 | 200000 | 99.87 | 100.16 | 600000 | 100.05 | - | 100.05 | 5.996156 | 03/12/2020 | - |
Bper social bond fix float call 31mz27 | 31/03/2027 | 98.08 | 07/01 | XS2325743990 | 0 | 100000 | 98.03 | 98.54 | 200000 | 98.26 | - | 98.26 | 2.333523 | 07/04/2021 | - |
Ca tf 1.875% dc26 eur | 20/12/2026 | 98.09 | 16/01 | XS1538284230 | 0 | 100000 | 97.46 | 98.22 | 100000 | 97.98 | - | 97.98 | 3.2319 | 13/01/2021 | - |
Cassa centr mc fb27 call eur | 16/02/2027 | 103.13 | 28/11 | XS2585964476 | 0 | 200000 | 102.65 | 103.45 | 200000 | 103.14 | - | 103.14 | 4.466839 | 23/02/2023 | - |
Cassa centrale raiffeisen 1% 01dc25 | 01/12/2025 | 0 | 30/11 | XS2264064259 | 0 | 100000 | 97.93 | 98.36 | 100000 | 98.12 | - | 98.12 | 3.53231 | 04/12/2020 | - |
Citigroup 1.5% call 26ot28 | 26/10/2028 | 94.15 | 13/01 | XS1457608286 | 0 | 200000 | 94.11 | 95.1 | 300000 | 94.41 | - | 94.41 | 3.1464 | 09/11/2016 | - |
Citigroup 1.75% 28ge25 | 28/01/2025 | 99.61 | 12/11 | XS1173792059 | 0 | 100000 | 99.87 | 100.83 | 100000 | 100.31 | - | 100.31 | 8.7704 | 04/07/2016 | - |
Citigroup 2.125% 10st26 | 10/09/2026 | 98.93 | 18/11 | XS1107727007 | 0 | 100000 | 98.82 | 99.58 | 100000 | 98.99 | - | 98.99 | 2.8758 | 04/07/2016 | - |
Citigroup 3.2% call 21ot26 | 21/10/2026 | 97.25 | 16/01 | US172967KY63 | 0 | 319000 | 97.33 | 97.58 | 200000 | 97.47 | - | 97.47 | 4.91154 | 31/10/2016 | - |
Citigroup mc ge28 eur | 30/01/2028 | 98.45 | 14/01 | XS2110112385 | 0 | 131000 | 96.17 | 100.9 | 6000 | 98.54 | - | 98.54 | - | 30/01/2023 | - |
Citigroup sub 4.45% 29st27 | 29/09/2027 | 98.47 | 10/01 | US172967KA87 | 0 | 200000 | 98.18 | 98.84 | 53000 | 98.67 | - | 98.67 | 5.272555 | 01/06/2018 | - |
Citigroup sub 4.6% 09mz26 | 09/03/2026 | 99.31 | 16/01 | US172967KJ96 | 0 | 345000 | 99.42 | 100.4 | 200000 | 99.72 | - | 99.72 | 5.296375 | 01/06/2018 | - |
Citigroup-fix float call 24ap48 | 24/04/2048 | 80.68 | 07/01 | US172967LJ87 | 0 | 200000 | 80.82 | 81.87 | 234000 | 81.27 | - | 81.27 | - | 19/05/2017 | - |
Citigroup-fix float call 24lg28 | 24/07/2028 | 96.58 | 13/01 | US172967LP48 | 0 | 173000 | 96.84 | 97 | 61000 | 96.97 | - | 96.97 | - | 17/08/2017 | - |
Credem green bond mc ge28 call eur | 19/01/2028 | 96.65 | 18/12 | XS2412556461 | 0 | 100000 | 96.06 | 96.63 | 100000 | 96.34 | - | 96.34 | 2.498716 | 14/08/2023 | - |
Credem green mc mg29 call eur | 30/05/2029 | 107.28 | 23/12 | XS2606341787 | 0 | 150000 | 106.63 | 107.13 | 150000 | 106.7 | - | 106.7 | 3.94917 | 08/06/2023 | - |
Credem social mc ot32 sub tier2 call eur | 05/10/2032 | 108.77 | 16/01 | XS2488465423 | 0 | 200000 | 108.77 | 110.7 | 200000 | 109.47 | - | 109.47 | 6.154296 | 14/07/2022 | - |
Credit agricole sub 2.625% 17mz27 | 17/03/2027 | 99.28 | 03/01 | XS1204154410 | 0 | 100000 | 98.68 | 99.81 | 100000 | 99.32 | - | 99.32 | 3.0613 | 15/04/2015 | - |
Danske bank fix to cms call sub 15mg31 | 15/05/2031 | 0 | 30/11 | XS2299135819 | 0 | 200000 | 97.13 | 97.98 | 200000 | 97.51 | - | 97.51 | 1.490675 | 24/02/2021 | - |
Db - fix to cms call sub 19mg31 | 19/05/2031 | 102.65 | 29/10 | DE000DL19VB0 | 0 | 200000 | 101.19 | 102.1 | 200000 | 101.77 | - | 101.77 | 7.824724 | 11/06/2020 | - |
Db 2.75% sub 17fb25 | 17/02/2025 | 99.75 | 16/01 | DE000DB7XJJ2 | 0 | 250000 | 99.58 | 99.98 | 18000 | 99.83 | - | 99.83 | 8.5916 | 26/02/2015 | - |
Db 4.50% sub 19mg26 | 19/05/2026 | 101.55 | 10/01 | DE000DL40SR8 | 0 | 100000 | 101.45 | 101.84 | 100000 | 101.56 | - | 101.56 | 3.3488 | 25/05/2016 | - |
Db zc 15ot26 | 15/10/2026 | 94 | 09/01 | DE0001342244 | 0 | 50000000 | 93.82 | 94.5 | 130000000 | 94.38 | - | 94.38 | 3.766001 | 03/11/2008 | - |
Db zc 20ge32 | 20/01/2032 | 74.5 | 13/01 | DE0001892057 | 0 | 200000000 | 75.41 | 77 | 5000000 | 76.23 | - | 76.23 | 4.295065 | 03/11/2008 | - |
Db zc 27mg27 | 27/05/2027 | 79.62 | 15/01 | XS0076085603 | 0 | 1000000 | 79.71 | 85.63 | 1000000 | 80.99 | - | 80.99 | 10.854137 | 17/12/2012 | - |
Db zc 28ot26 | 28/10/2026 | 94.6 | 14/01 | DE0001345759 | 0 | 250000 | 94.25 | 95.5 | 250000 | 95.14 | - | 95.14 | 3.4336 | 03/11/2008 | - |
Db-fix float call 17fb27 | 17/02/2027 | 97.59 | 25/10 | DE000DL19VT2 | 0 | 200000 | 96.9 | 98.18 | 200000 | 97.45 | - | 97.45 | 2.347765 | 24/02/2021 | - |
Db-fix float call 17fb32 | 17/02/2032 | 83.85 | 10/07 | DE000DL19VU0 | 0 | 100000 | 86.77 | 88.47 | 100000 | 87.56 | - | 87.56 | 3.55682 | 24/02/2021 | - |
Db-green bond fix float call 10gn26 | 10/06/2026 | 99.52 | 10/01 | DE000DL19VD6 | 0 | 100000 | 98.78 | 99.95 | 200000 | 99.49 | - | 99.49 | 2.080918 | 26/02/2021 | - |